Team Members:
Kevin Blashko, Janice Breland, Jan Bujan, Kathy Cummings, Claire Cleighton, David Despins, Karen Hekl, Ken Manness,
 Sandy Manness, Cindy Melnyk, Patti Papineau, Ron Phillips, 
Bernice Weibe, Tannis Smith, Bev Snell, John St. Jean, Terry Tabak, Darren Triggs, Terri Tonnellier, Marc Vigier

1990-95, the SNAFU Co-Eds dominated Manitoba Slo-Pitch softball with coaches Marc Vigier and Ken Manness, manager Kathy Cummings, and enthusiastic and committed players who loved to win. What started as mere recreation became intensely competitive. Playing only tournament ball for fun and recreation, they quickly became dominating team. In their first year in the Winnipeg Slo-Pitch League, they won provincials and qualified for the Nationals. In the subsequent 4 years they won Gold, Silver and Bronze as well as placing players on the tournament All-Star teams and winning MVP awards. They were the best amongst the best. A tribute to their skill, enthusiasm and commitment. A great team for a great time.

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