Judy began her 36 year softball career as a mid-teen in the Portage area before joining Winnipeg's CUAC Blues in 1963 at age 21. During next 11 years, she helped CUAC win both the provincial and the first Canadian Women's National Softball Championship. She was repeatedly chosen league All-Star, named league MVP once, chosen Canadian All-Star thrice, was Top Hitter at the Western Canadian Championships in Whitehorse and MVP at the Fargo Red River Valley Tournament. In 1990 at age 47, she accompanied her two daughters to Valley City University to complete her Physical Education degree and be with her daughters. Here she made a 'walk-on tryout' for the Viking softball team. She not only made it as a 1st baseman but was named All District N.A.I.A. player for both years she played. She led the team with 21 RBI’s, a .415 slugging percentage and a .317 batting average. Her 26 hits we second only to league leader Rhonda Denbow's 27. Returning to Winnipeg, she won two more provincial championships - one each with the Winnipeg Jays and the St. Boniface Royalettes. At age 53, 30 years after winning the Nationals with CUAC, Smitty's asked her to be their designated hitter at the Nationals. She reached base 8 times during 8 appearances at the plate. A remarkable achievement.

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